Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

We understand the fluctuations in mental wellbeing. We can help you to find balance, a great support team around you and tools to manage the bad days.

What is a Psychosocial Recovery Coach?

Funded through the NDIS, a Recovery Coach will assist you to set goals to manage the ups and downs of mental wellbeing.

What kind of results can I expect?

When you have a great support team and strategies in place to prioritise your mental wellbeing, bad patches are less frequent and severe. Having a Recovery Coach and Support Team you trust and feel connected with really helps find the right solutions for you.

What does working together look like?

Your Recovery Coach will discuss your goals and support needs. We will look at your baseline (when life is doing ok) and discuss your signposts you need more support. We help you to engage with tools to maintain your mental wellbeing. Most of all we help you to value you and take good care of yourself as a priority.

We have our bad days too. We get through these with tailored supports and solutions.

Let us tailor solutions to meet your needs and live your best life.


Support Coordination


Specialist Support Coordination